Our Councils

Pastoral Council

The primary purpose of the Pastoral Council is to assist and advise the pastor in guiding the parish to achieve its mission.  Members of the Council are chosen from the entire parish community to develop and sustain the various ministries that are required to bring the Lord’s work to fruition in the parish.


Dave Olechovsky

Council Chair 




Dave Olechovsky – Council Chair

Jim Cuffney

Jim Hoyle

Joe Huray

Joe Jacobs

Dcn. Mike Sanchez

Catherine Wright

Matthew Higgins

Finance Council

The Finance Council is an advisory body to the pastor in matters pertaining to the ordinary and extraordinary aspects of financial administration.  The Council is responsible for ensuring that the parish operates with financial integrity and within its financial resources.


The Finance Council is a body of parishioners known for their spiritual maturity and love of Christ, endowed with special competence in financial matters and prudent judgment.  They offer their time and talent as a Christian service to assist the pastor in the development and management of the parish financial resources so that the parish may effectively pursue the spreading of Christ’s gospel and love.


Andy Kleitsch

Finance Council Chair 



Andy Kleitsch – Finance Council Chair 

Bill Lathram

Joe Rothengast

Diane Johnston

Alexander Guin

Kyle Kimble