Youth Mental Health First Aid Course

A Course from National Council for Mental Wellbeing

UNC and the Department of Health and Human Services is offering a grant to train as many adults as possible in Youth Mental Health First Aid (Youth MHFA). This program has been identified as the single most effective training to provide support to a young person (adolescent age 12 – 18) and identify resources. This course does not provide “training” in mental illness diagnosis — but sharpens the observation and listening skills of those adults who work with and/or spend time with middle school/high school students. You can get more information about Mental Health First Aid at: Youth – Mental Health First Aid.


St. Luke the Evangelist Catholic Church will offer this class 8:30am – 4:30pm on Saturday, August 17, 2024, here at St. Luke. After completing the class, the participant receives a certificate. There is no cost for this course or the materials, and lunch and snacks are provided.


If you want to attend the class, please sign up as soon as possible. We need at least 10 youth leaders, catechists, parents, family members, teachers, school staff… to register by June 15th to make the course a “go.” If you know anyone who works with and/or spends time with middle school/high school students and would like to take this class, please pass this information on to them. 


Please fill out the form completely for everyone who will be attending the event.